Wednesday, May 26, 2010

WIP Wednesday: Scene at a Funeral

Whew, just made it. And I, uh, wasn't actually going to post anything, as I didn't do any work on the piece I wanted to work on and almost everything else is on an external hard drive, my laptop having gone into surgery yesterday (as soon as I returned home from school, it began to sound this constant, loud hum that could be heard throughout my entire house when it was turned on, and since the Great [Albeit Temporary] NaNo Novel Loss of 2009, I take impending crashes very seriously.)

So anyway, enough rambling. Here's a short-ish excerpt from a short I hope will be shot this summer, though I still want to tweak the lines a bit... or, make that a lot. What you need to know is that this scene takes place at a funeral.

[Sorry! This excerpt was removed! :(]

1 comment:

  1. I hate furnerals, I have never been to one because I know I am going to cry. (I am a very tender hearted person and only yeah..) Anyways, you are an amazing writing! My final draft looks like that and this is your rough draft before you have even edited, wow!

    I am following your blog and I would love if you would stop by my blog and follow me.

